
Along with our Terms of Use, this policy explains how we collect and handle your information on our website. We’ll review this policy from time to time to make sure it’s up to date. If we make changes, we’ll post the latest version here. When we make significant changes, we’ll let you know when you next access our services, or by other communications.

For information about how we keep your Protected Health Information (PHI) safe in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), or what a patient’s rights are with regards to PHI, please see our: HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices

Learn more about this policy

Information We Collect

We want you to understand how information you provide to us is collected and used. When you interact with ahma or use our Site, we collect certain information about you and the services you use. An example of using our Site would be completing and submitting a satisfaction survey.

Learn more about the information we collect

What we do with Your Information

We may use the information we collect from you when you: complete forms, respond to a survey or marketing communication, or use other Online Service features.

We’ll only use your information where you’ve given us your consent, where it’s necessary to deliver the services you’ve requested, where it’s necessary to exercise or comply with legal rights or obligations, or for normal business purposes of the kind set out in this policy.

Learn more about what we do with your information

Disclosure to Outside Parties

We do not sell, rent, or loan your personal information to any non-affiliated third parties, except as described in this Notice. We will only share your information where you ask us to, where it’s a necessary part of doing business with you and providing you with the services, or where we need to for legal reasons.

Learn more about when we would disclose your information to others

Individual Choice and Access

By interacting with our Site as described above, you consent to the practices described in this privacy notice. However, we want you to know that you do have certain choices about how your information is collected and used.

Learn more about your choices and access

Safeguarding your personal information

ahma follows generally accepted industry security standards to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security and correctly use such personal information.

Learn more about how we safeguard your personal information

Our Accountability to You

We welcome your questions, comments, and concerns about our Site. Please send us feedback to ethics@ahmarx.com.

Learn more about how to contact us